Ofori Atta to Government: Consider Biogas Technology for Electricity Generation

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The head of AVONTECH Security Masters, Nana Kweku Ofori Atta, says the government must, as a matter of urgency, have a deliberate policy that would consider the use of biogas technology to generate electricity power.

This, in his view, would be one of the surest means to reduce the country’s over-reliance on Hydroelectric power produced from the Akosombo Dam, which was built was built between 1961 and 1965, and completed a month ahead of schedule.

Reacting to the recent incessant power outages in the country, Mr Ofori Atta explained that it is high time Ghana shifted focus and considered how many industrialised countries had taken advantage of technology in power generation.

The need fora policy framework

Given this, he said the government must be fully committed to having a policy framework through the ministries of Energy and Technology to develop a comprehensive plan, which would prioritise the generation of combustible gas from anaerobic biomass digestion to produce electricity.

He stressed: “Using technology to generate electricity to complement the hydroelectric power must engage our attention as a country because the world now revolves around technology and we must pull along.

For instance, in many industrialised countries such as Germany among others, biogas plants are mainly responsible for the conversion of biogas to electricity power generation and this is technology.”

This well-known technology, which was being used by many advanced countries, he said, would safeguard the constant availability and supply of electricity power in the country’s quest to lead the industrialisation drive of the sub-region.

Availability of feedstock

“Imagine the number of boarding High Schools we have across the country and consider the amount of solid waste such schools produce on daily basis, which money is spent to dislodge periodically.

Meanwhile, these are the suitable feedstock for biogas plants to generate electricity, therefore, if we should think of technology and consider biogas as a means of producing electricity, we are good to go”, Said Nana Ofori Atta.

Suggestion to government

According to him, government must work closely with the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology to train more young engineers and artisans in biogas technology and usage.

He explained that this would further ensure that there would be adequate technical people to assist in his call for nationwide usage of biogas technology to generate electricity for offices and households.

Additionally, he suggested that the government reach out to countries like Germany, which has advanced in the use of biogas technology and send more engineering students there to learn the technology.

“I will suggest to the government to try this if we, at the moment, don’t have an adequate understanding of the use of the technology to turn the tonnes of feedstock we generate in the country to generate power.

We can consciously train our young engineers for this technological advancement and give ourselves a minimum of five years for its positive effects in our quest to lead the industrialisation drive of the sub-region,” he stated.

Government must lead the way

Nana Ofori Atta urged the government to lead the way by ensuring that all governmental institutions would adopt the use of the biogas technology to generate hydroelectric power at the various Ministries, Departments and Agencies across the country.

This, he said, would go a long way to showcase the economic viability of the technology to the general public so that it could be emulated in many homes and offices.

He said; “The disconnection of power supply to parliament because that arm of government is heavily indebted to the Electricity Company of Ghana was not just avoidable but also shameful.

“Let’s use the technology in all government institutions to reduce the huge electricity bills that these facilities keep incurring for the government to pay. The government’s desire to adopt the technology will cause others to follow”.

Creating of employment

According to Nana Ofori Atta, the technology could create employment for several thousands of the many unemployed youths on the street if it was deeply considered and properly harnessed.

Unemployment, he indicated, was gradually becoming a threat to the security of the state. Therefore, any form of initiative that could create decent jobs for the youth must be embraced by the government, he advised.

Source: The Chronicle

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