Dear Senior Kofi,
I hope this letter finds you well, I’m sure you are very much aware that you are one of the people I have so much respect for in the CSO space in Ghana and anytime we have had the opportunity to interact I have never hid that.
Senior, I have chanced on a couple of your commentary on Dr.Bawumiah, I have looked through your posts on facebook as well and the responses to your posts I’m sure have already given you an indication of your vile deviation from the principles of accountability that has characterized the work of IMANI over the years, one that inspired many of us to get into the space.
And this is the more reason why I feel obliged to respond to you, so that you don’t continue to let many of us who have been inspired by your many good years of service to this Country down.
Senior, the import of your argument in the last few months have been that at least we should give Dr.Bawumiah a chance to redeem himself, that in itself it’s not a bad inclination, I mean everyone deserves a second chance at life, at love and even at leadership.
However what seem to be raising a lot of eye brows and making people wonder if indeed that facebook account truly belongs to the Kofi Bentil we all know is your assertion that because Dr.Bawumiah has only been a Vice-President and not the President we should absolve him of any blame of the misery and reckless mis-governance this Country has been dragged through in the last 7 years.
Senior, that is one hell of a stretch, from ”give to him a chance at least to you can’t blame him, he was only number 2.”
Senior you are a lawyer of many years standing, you have been in the governance and policy space for quite sometime and you understand the workings of government more than many of us, with all due respect please give us a break!!! You cannot sell this narrative even to a toddler. For what is worth you are even making things worse for the vice President.

Senior, how do you even contemplate such a narrative when the same person you are talking about has chaired the Economic Management Team(EMT) and sat through cabinet for seven good years.
And all this while, he had an ambition to take over from his boss and he couldn’t influence any policy direction that could set this Country on a path of sustainable growth? Even when he knew that even the least failure from his boss would impact negatively on his ambition to succeed him and he watched on whiles such grave mess was exacted on Ghanaians, then what’s going to happen when we hand this Country to him with nothing else at stake?
Senior you have asserted that you trust that Dr.Bawumiah would be better than his boss President Akufo-Addo, with all due respect if that assertion is true then Dr.Bawumiah would be the most wicked and insensitive Vice President ever.
That he can do better but watched on whiles his boss ran this Country into ditch but he couldn’t complain, he couldn’t influence anything because he was just number two, that’s his excuse? That he knows how to manage this economy on his own but he doesn’t know how to use the same knowledge to assist his boss manage the economy as Chairman of the Economic Management Team?
Senior how low can you insult the sensibilities of Ghanaians? I think you need to give Ghanaians some inches senior, the average voter now is more than discerning and this certainly will be very hard to fly.
Senior Ghanaians have really suffered in the last seven years, i don’t know about you but all of us are reeling deeply from the mal-administration that has been visited on us by the President Akufo-Addo-Dr.Bawumiah regime, from the closure of banks which led to loss of jobs, livelihoods and investments to the debt exchange program that wiped out every little liquidity and savings left in the economy.
Ghanaians have really paid the price for trusting people like you and the occupy Ghana folks who smelted the hell out of the Mahama regime and told us Akufo-Addo could do better. The least some of you owe Ghanaians is an apology for misleading them in 2016, the likes of A-Plus, Manasseh Azure and many others have publicly apologized for their mis-direction, it therefore begs the question why?
Why Kofi Bentil of all people, At the time when all his compatriots who he was on the streets with to bring the Akufo-Addo-Bawumiah government to power are apologizing, that is when our dear brother Kofi has ignited his 100HP twin engine, spearheading another mid-direction, mis-leading and vain propaganda ostensibly to drag this Country through another four years of plain misery in the hands of the same people…
Why Kofi, why??
Mensah Thompson
Executive Director, ASEPA