Lead Poisoning Can Affect Your Child’s IQ level

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The excess build- up of lead in the blood leads called Lead poisoning. It can have devastating effects on individuals spanning from physical, nervous and psychological make up of a person. But abstinence from this metal is almost impossible because it is basically a part of our earth and greatly incorporated in our lifestyle as Ghanaians.

Lead is a malleable and heavy metal naturally occurring in the Earth’s crust. Its chemical symbol is Pb, derived from the Latin name of Lead called Plumbum. It is interesting to note that Plumbers got their name because they work with lead pipes.

But the exposure and build up of the material in the environment is largely attributed to human activities like mining, quarrying, sand winning among others it is also present in herbal remedies or medicine, toys and candies from foreign countries, stained glass, leaded crystal glassware, glazed ceramic ware, including plates, pitchers and cups.

Most low- quality utensils like the cooking pots and the earthen ware bowls all contain some levels of lead. And so think about it? When all these cooking ware wears off; where does the particles go? They apparently settle in our stomachs and we start experiencing symptoms like Headaches, Abdominal pain, Personality changes, Anemia, Numbness in feet and legs, Loss of sex drive, Infertility.

 Also, lead is greatly present in some paints. Such paint wear off leaving chippings and dust settling on things. Children get lead exposure upon coming into contact with such items and put their hands into their mouths.

Fortunately, such paint product with lead have been banned from the system. The Chemicals Control & Management Centre of Ghana’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned the use of lead in petroleum refining and paint production since January 1, 2004.

lead is used as weight in fishing nets

Although lead can affect everyone, it poses great danger to children as it greatly affects their development at such formative years. It can lead to behavioral problems, decreased intelligence, nervous breakdown, retarded growth, hearing problems, hyperactivity among others.

Therefore, as a parent, one of the plausible explanations to your child’s maldevelopment, hyperactive behavior, or poor performance in class might be as a result of exposure to lead. As they play with their toys containing some lead, or directly contact lead as they touch lead painted walls; or put every item they find into their mouth.

Lead poisoning cannot be prevented but can be controlled. Foods rich in calcium, vitamin C, iron and zinc are best to help limit the body’s absorption. Lead poisoning cannot be detected unless the blood is tested. According to the Center for Disease Control, CDC lead level of 3.5 micrograms per deciliters is considered level of concern for lead levels in children.

Your child will develop lead poisoning if he or she is exposed to excessive amounts of lead. It is a serious condition that can also be prevented. Lead can affect almost every organ and symptom of your child. It can have long-term effects on health, behavior, and learning. Hygiene practices are the best way to go and if you detect some symptoms of lead poisoning, do see your doctor.

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