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The NDC parliamentary candidate for the Effutu constituency, Dr James Kofi Annan, has waded into the ongoing debate over the Ghana Smart Schools Project, urging President Akufo-Addo to suspend the initiative.

He argues that the project is unsustainable and would not add any form of effectiveness to the education system riddled with challenges. President Akufo-Addo recently unveiled the Ghana Smart Schools Project, aimed at providing one laptop per student in senior high schools across the country.

Even before the physical implementation of this ambitious plan could begin, there arose myriads of criticism from various quarters.

Paramount among the reasons for the criticism are the documented evidence of existing challenges in the secondary school education system.

Many schools lack the necessary infrastructure, such as computer laboratories, to support this initiative.

Furthermore, reports indicate that some schools are struggling to meet basic needs, such as utility bills and food shortages.

The government’s failure to address these issues raises doubts about the feasibility of the Smart Schools Project.

Speaking to various stakeholders, including school heads and education experts, revealed little consultation with educators over the project.

SOT- DR JAMES KOFI ANNAN, NDC parliamentary candidate for Effutu constituency

Critics argue that the One Laptop per Student initiative is flawed and unsustainable.

Concerns have also been raised about the practicality of providing laptops to every student.

Critics point to past instances, such as the distribution of laptops to teachers, where similar initiatives have failed due to poor maintenance and oversight.

There are doubts about the capability of the government to effectively manage this new program.

In light of these challenges, there are growing calls for the immediate suspension of the Ghana Smart Schools Project.

Instead, stakeholders suggest reallocating resources to establish or enhance computer laboratories in all senior high schools.

This, they argue, would ensure equal access to technology-based education for all students and provide better oversight of the program.

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