Pentecost Elder kidnapped in a robbery attack during church service

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An Elder of The Church of Pentecost went missing after armed robbers attacked the local church where he worships whilst church service was ongoing.

This happened in one of the international assemblies of The Church of Pentecost in South Africa.

Newstitbits sources indicated that the incident happened on Sunday, October 29, 2023 when the church was having its annual mega church offering.

A video sighted by this portal shows an all-white-dressed leader of the church addressing the congregation from a podium when the robbers stormed the church auditorium disrupting and halting the service.

The robbers wielding pistols ordered members of the church to lie prostrate on the floor whilst they carry on their robbery operation.

Some of them were kicked by the robbers whiles lying down with guns pointed at them to further put fears in them and to surrender whatever they had in their possession.

Their pockets were searched by the robbers who took every money or precious items hidden in the pockets. They also took away personal belongings of the people including phones, tablets, bags as well as other valuables.

The robbery operations lasted barely three (3) minutes. It is not clear the number of robbers involved but at least four of them appeared in the video.

It was after the robbers had left that the congregants got on their feet and realized that one of the elders of the church could not be accounted for.

The elder whose name was given as Elder Emmanuel Cudjoe is said to be the National Deacon of South Africa.

Members suspected that the robbers had kidnapped the elder whilst they console each other.

But a leader of the church was seen in the video calming down agitated members obviously trying to come to terms with what had just happened.

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