Some individuals in academia, civil society and media have become coup mongers – Kan Dapaah

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The National Security Minister, Albert Kan Dapaah, has accused some individuals in academia, civil society and the media of actively exploiting their influence to promote a coup and destabilise the country.

He described the trend as worrying and a threat to the country’s democracy.

According to the minister, the development is a matter of serious concern not only to security operatives but to all citizens as the country nears the polls in December 2024.

“In Ghana, a more disconcerting trend is also emerging. Notably following the coup in Niger, certain individuals in academia, civil society and the media, from what I have observed have been propagating false narratives in support of a coup or military rule.

“These actors have gained substantial followings on social media leveraging the influence to disseminate misinformation that threatens our nation’s peace and also stability, especially as we approach the critical December 2024 general election,” he claimed.

According to the National Security Minister, “Misinformation, whether intentional or inadvertent, from these individuals because they are influential poses a significant threat to Ghana’s stability.”

He explained that political commentary from them erodes public trust in important institutions such as the Electoral Commission and the Judiciary. This, he noted “can be very dangerous and potentially, they can steer our country towards a perilous path.”

According to him the misinformation peddled by the group of people he mentioned can influence voters to make decisions, that are inconsistent with their best interests, adding that it could result in “the election of a bad leader and opting for a bad public policy, all of which can have grave consequences for the survival of a State.”

Mr. Dapaah, therefore, urged the Ghanaian society to work together to defeat such voices.

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