Bawku Crisis: Queen Mothers Foundation of Ghana Urges the Traditional Authorities to lead Mediation

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The Queen Mothers Foundation of Ghana has expressed regret and deep concerns over the degenerated chieftaincy crisis in Bawku.

While calling the feuding faction and the youth of Bawku to lay down their arms, the foundation urges the traditional authorities tohold the bull by the horns

For the past week, the Queen Mothers Foundation of Ghana has followed with deep concern the outbreak of conflict in Bawku in the Upper East Region.

We had been very excited about prevailing peace in the area until the recent renewal of conflict.

We find it quite unfortunate and regrettable that things have degenerated in such a manner, reversing many of the gains made toward peace and development in Bawku.

We are deeply concerned because apart from the harm conflict causes to peace, harmony, social progress and development, it affects women and children gravely.

In such situations, women, who are the backbone of economic activities, are so vulnerable to the extent of losing their livelihoods, while children are unable to attend school, thereby jeopardizing their future.

In light of the above, the Queen Mothers Foundation of Ghana appeals to the factions in the renewed conflict in Bawku to bury their differences and embrace peace to move the development of the area forward.

We particularly advise the youth to refrain from acts of violence and not to allow themselves to be used as conduits to foment trouble.

We also urge the traditional authorities to lead the processes of peace and reconciliation for the good of the people.

We call on security agencies to endeavor to maintain law and order in the area, but in so doing, they must be cautious not to infringe on the human rights of the people.

The government must also endeavour to discharge its responsibilities to ensure the resolution of the conflict.

Furthermore, we admonish political parties to refrain from politicizing the conflict or stoking the fire for political expediency.

Rather, they must work together to douse the fire and restore peace.

Finally, we appeal to the media to help defuse the conflict and refrain from comments and publications that would rather worsen the situation.

The media must also desist from giving their platform to troublemakers or people with hidden agendas to fan the flame of conflict.

It is in the interest of all Ghanaians to promote peace in Bawku and help the people achieve their developmental goals.

By Peter Quao Adattor

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