Our platform has helped to polish Gh comedians- 2927 CEO

4 Min Read

By Patrick Biddah

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of 2927 event center in Accra, Judith Addison, has attributed the general improvement in the performance of comedians in the country to their constant practice.

According to her, comedy in the country, has improved significantly due to the constant practice arising out of the platform they needed for such practice.

As a lover of comedy herself, the bubbly CEO of 2927 Event Center which is located at Tesano , recalled watching some comedians in the past which triggered the discussion for the need to provide a platform to polish their craft. 

The observation, she revealed led to the formation of the Comedy Club which brought the young upcoming comedians to regularly meet at her facility to practice.

Speaking in an interview with Journalists at an all-white second  anniversary celebration  of the Comedy Club , Judith  Addison,  said the success story of that arrangement has resulted in sharpening the performance  of these comedians who can now compete on any international stage.

“We are grateful about the support we have given to the industry which can say  has opened more opportunities for them and we can also say we helped in making jokes in Ghana more funnier “, she noted

“ As a business and event center ,we are equally grateful about the publicity the hosting of the comedy shows at our facility  on every Thursday has given but we are more delighted that Ghana can now boast of some very funny comedians who are breaking barriers  “, she emphasized.

The standup comedy space had for a very long time been dominated by veteran comedian KSM until the likes of DKB, Foster Romanus, OB Amponsah , Jacinta and Lexy The Comic hit the limelight.

According to Judith Addison however, young talents such as O’ Joe, Unknown and the likes are forces to reckon with which  is as a result of the platform they were given to practise to become better.

Lexy The Comic, who said a few words to the media, also called for more cooperate support in order to do more than they are currently doing as comedians.

The Comedy Club, he reiterated has added more to their performance to the extent that  they performed in  the United States recently.

He hinted of two of his upcoming shows for this year.

As part of the second anniversary celebration, some budding comedians were awarded.

Comedian Unknown went home with the best performer award, while Papa Yaw was adjudged the most frequent performer.

Comedian OB Amponsah, was the MC on the night.

He took    reporter unaware on a joke when he asked if he is a member of the New Patriotic Party but cannot disclose his party affiliation because of the bad state the country has been plunged into.

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