Pressure on Electoral Commission to Release 2024 General Elections time table

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Care for Free and Fair Elections Ghana (“CARE” GHANA) writes to Ghana’s Electoral Commission Chair, Jean Mensah, requesting for a comprehensive Programme for the 2024 elections to help all facilitate their strategic planning and operational readiness as we approach the 2024 elections. “CARE” GHANA is a civil society organization dedicated to advancing democratic principles and ensuring the integrity of electoral processes.

Full details of the letter below


+233 (0) 55 902 6124 +233 (0) 27 300 9907

P.O Box AB 392, Abeka Lap

The Chairman, Jean Mensa

Electoral Commission (EC)

P. o. Box M214,

Accra – Ghana

20th February, 2024

Dear Sir/Madam,



Care for Free and Fair Elections Ghana (“CARE” GHANA) writes to respectfully request a comprehensive Programme for the 2024 elections from the Electoral Commission to facilitate our strategic planning and operational readiness as we approach the 2024 elections. “CARE” GHANA is an esteemed civil society organization dedicated to advancing democratic principles and ensuring the integrity of electoral processes. Given our core activities in elections and elections-related matters, we are actively preparing for us involvement in the upcoming 2024 Elections.

Our organization places significant importance on adherence to established timelines, procedural clarity, and transparency in electoral processes. The information sought is crucial for our comprehensive understanding and effective engagement in the electoral activities leading up to the election.

We kindly request detailed information on the following key activities:

1. Limited Biometric Voter Registration: • Commencement date • Duration and locations of the pilot phase

2. Training of Grassroots Registration Officials: • Schedule for training sessions • Venues and locations

3. Appointment and Briefing of District Registration Review Committees: • Appointment timeline • Schedule for briefing sessions

4. National Post-Registration Review Meeting: • Date

5. Procurement of materials, equipment and technologies for the elections • Date, Time and Venue

6. Exhibition of the Voters Register: • Start and end dates • Locations of exhibition centers

7. Printing of Provisional Voters Registers: • Printing schedule • Distribution plan

8. Recruitment of Exhibition Officials: • Recruitment timeline • Training schedule

9. Building the Capacity of the Media on Electoral Reporting: • Workshop dates and locations

10. Submission of the List of Proposed Exhibition Officers to Interested Persons or Parties at the Constituency Level: • Deadline for submissions • Method of submission

11. Distribution of Provisional Voters Register: • Distribution schedule • Locations for collection

12. Submission of Copies of Provisional Voters Register to Political Parties in a Form

Determined by the EC: • Deadline for submission • Format requirements

13. Publication of List of Polling Stations: • Date and time of publication • Locations for public access

14. Receipt of Application for Election Observers: • Start and end dates for application submission • Application review period

15. Authentication of Register: • Authentication schedule • Methodology

16. Issuance of Accreditation Letters to Observers: • Date and time of issuance • Accreditation distribution plan

17. Deadline for Transfer of Votes and Proxies: • Deadline date • Procedures for transfers

18. Building Capacity of Election Educators: • Workshop dates and locations

19. Posting of Notices of Nomination at All Constituency Centers in Every Constituency: • Posting schedule • Locations of notices

20. Processing of Nominations for the Printing of Notices of Poll and Ballots: • Processing timeline • Criteria for nomination processing

21. Printing and Distribution of Notices of Poll to Regions: • Printing and distribution schedule • Regional distribution plan

22. Printing and Distribution of Ballot Papers:• Printing schedule • Distribution logistics

23. Workshop on Election Security: • Workshop dates and locations

24. Application for Early Voting and Printing of Register for Early Voting: • Application period • Early voting register printing schedule

25. Dialogue with Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates and National

Executives of Political Parties: • Meeting schedule • Participants and locations

26. Submission of Final Register to Political Parties: • Date and time of submission • Format of the final register

27. Dialogue with Parliamentary Candidates: • Meeting schedule • Participants and locations

28. Declaration of Presidential Results by the Chairperson – Returning Officer for the Presidential Election: • Date, time, and venue

Your prompt attention to this request is highly appreciated, as it will significantly contribute to our ability to engage effectively in the electoral process. We look forward to continued collaboration with the EC to uphold the principles of transparency, fairness, and credibility in the democratic process.

Thank you for your consideration.


David Kumi Addo

Executive Director (“CARE” GHANA)

Tel: 0559026124/0273009907



By: Peter Quao Adattor

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