Giving Back to Society; London Based Ghanaian to the Aid of her Alma mater

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Pupils at the Deme, Dzogbedze United basic school in Alavanyo will no longer have to carry their tables and chairs to school daily.

Gratitude was written on their faces as they received a handsome donation of 100 pieces of dual desks, 10 MacBook laptops, and five teachers’ desks and chairs.

This is the second time Elizabeth Donya Née Nyedige, a native of Alavanyo Dzogbedze, resident in London and teacher at the London-based Belleville Primary School are giving back to her alma mater to enhance quality teaching and learning at the primary level.

Presenting the items, Nyedige recounts fond memories of growing up in the village, living with her grandmother under very challenging circumstances.

Challenges that have been her driving force and motivation to support the less privileged in the town to make schooling just a little more comfortable.

She also exalted the pupils not to be demoralised by their circumstances but rather be motivated to work extra hard to change the status quo.

Elizabeth Donya Née Nyedige emphasised the role of education as the bedrock of the development of any nation.

She posited that education comes only after quality healthcare. Hence no effort must be spared to ensure children have the best education.

In her opinion, what separates developed nations from underdeveloped ones is the quality of education they give their children.

“The quality of the education you give to your next generation is as good as the quality of the infrastructure you provide”, hence her continued efforts at giving her widows mites anytime she can. She says.

She used the occasion to call on other well-placed natives of Alavanyo to join the crusade and help improve a lot of their schools because Government cannot do it all alone.

Elizabeth Donya Née Nyedige says the only way the pupils and their teachers alike can genuinely thank the pupils and parents of Belleville school in London is to put the donations to good use.

She exhorted the pupils to see the donation from pupils like themselves in London as enough motivation to excel in their studies and pleaded with them to take good care of the items to last a long time and benefit a whole generation.

She was full of praise for the teachers, many of whom were not natives of the community yet had decided to sacrifice daily under such deplorable conditions to nurture and teach.

She further urged them to consider the pupils as their own and never relent.

United basic school is very deprived; the needs range from insufficient staff to a lack of potable water, books, a computer lab, staff standard room, teachers’ bungalows and classrooms. Their 60 years old classroom block is begging for renovation.

The roofs leak badly, there are no doors and windows, and the floor is all cracked, creating several craters in the classrooms and the corridors.

In a speech on his behalf, Hohoe Municipal Chief Executive Daniel Noble Awumey, says education is one of his top priorities, so since taking office, he has committed a considerable amount of money to improve education at all levels.

He will continue to invest heavily in education because quality education is the catalyst for rapid economic growth, which is why the government of Nana Addo puts so much premium on education.

The introduction of the fee SHS and the restoration of trainees’ allowances are clear examples of the government’s commitment.

The MCE joined the chiefs, community, teachers and pupils to express gratitude to the donors.

The occasion was graced by Togbe Komla Kunde V, Chief of Alavanyo-Abehenease, chiefs and elders from Alavanyo-Deme, and Dzogbetse Togbe Kotoh, divisional chief of Alavanyo Deme, the PTA (parent teachers’ association), the SMC (school management committee), and a cross session of parents.

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