Alan Kyerematen withdraws from NPP presidential race

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A leading contender in the New Patriotic Party (NPP) presidential slot, Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen has indicated his decision to withdraw from the race.

The party has fixed November 4 for the primary to elect a presidential candidate for the 2024 general elections, but the aspirant in a statement on September 5, 2023 said he would not pursue his presidential dream.

The former Trade and Industry Minister blamed the party for his poor show in the recent special electoral college in which he placed third, securing a paltry 95 votes, that is 10.29 percent of total valid votes cast.

That election was won by the Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, whom many have described as the establishment candidate after polling 629 votes representing 68.15 percent of the total votes cast in the election held on August 26.

Assessing the electoral college, he said, the “various acts of violence and collusion, reported in other Voting Centers, are appalling, unconscionable, and despicable.

Mr. Kyerematen said in the statement that, “After having carefully analysed the results of the said elections, it is absolutely clear to me from events leading to, during and after the elections, that the Special Delegates Conference was strategically and tactically skewed in favour of one particular Aspirant.”

He therefore declared: “In light of the foregoing, I wish to confirm that I am honourably withdrawing from the process that will lead to the Presidential Primaries to be held on the 4th of November 2023. In the next upcoming weeks, I will provide an indication of the role that I will play in politics in Ghana, after consultations with my family and other well- wishers, various stakeholders and interest groups.”

Mr. Keyerematen was one of the five aspirants expected to go through balloting on Wednesday, September 6, 2023 for the November primary.

Below is the full statement issued by Alan.


On Sunday, the 27th of August 2023, I issued a public statement which made reference to the selection and shortlisting of Presidential Aspirants by the Special Electoral College convened by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) on the 26th of August 2023.

After having carefully analysed the results of the said elections, it is absolutely clear to me from events leading to, during and after the elections, that the Special Delegates Conference was strategically and tactically skewed in favour of one particular Aspirant.

The pronouncements made by some leading Members of our Party both before and after the elections, also lend weight to my observations.

The level of intimidation of varying intensity, directly and indirectly unleashed on a significant number of Delegates at various Voting Centers across the sixteen regions, is unprecedented in the history of our Party. In addition, the fact that my Polling Agent in the North East region has suffered severe damage to his eye sight, arising from his bold and courageous effort to ensure compliance with the very rules and regulations for the conduct of the elections as approved by the Presidential Elections Committee, will forever remain a dark spot in the history of internal elections within the Party. This incident and various acts of violence and collusion, reported in other Voting Centers, are appalling, unconscionable, and despicable.

I am committed to, and value the safety of those who work with me and for me, and I will always fight for their interest.

The question I keep asking myself is, “How did we get here as a Party in the first place, and how far are we prepared to tread on this dangerous path to self-destruction?”

Regrettably, I am not convinced that the circumstances I have referred to earlier, will not persist or even be escalated in the next round of elections, for which balloting is scheduled for Wednesday, 6th of September 2023.

In light of the foregoing, I wish to confirm that I am honourably withdrawing from the process that will lead to the Presidential Primaries to be held on the 4th of November 2023. In the next upcoming weeks, I will provide an indication of the role that I will play in politics in Ghana, after consultations with my family and other well- wishers, various stakeholders and interest groups.

I wish all the other Aspirants well as they continue on their journey. I also wish to use this opportunity to express my profound gratitude once again to my family, the Alan 4 President (A4P) Campaign Team, and all my teeming supporters in Ghana and from around the world, who have supported me in diverse ways over the years. Please be assured that the battle is still the Lord’s, and that those who wait upon the Lord shall have their strength renewed.

God bless our homeland Ghana and make our nation great and strong!

…… Signed………


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