After nearly a year, the Government finally meets with Bawku to discuss the Chieftaincy Conflict. (Video)

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The interior minister, defense minister, and the inspector general of police and chief of defense staff are in the Bawku municipality meeting with the people in a bid to broker peace.

The two ministers and the high-powered security delegation are asking the leadership of the feuding factions to let their people lay down their arms.

This is the first trip of any government delegation since the conflict flared up again in November of last year.

It came after repeated protests by the Bawku youth against what they perceived as the government’s disregard for their situation.

The team initially went to the overlord of the Kusaug traditional area, Zugraana, Naba Asigri Abugrago Azoka II, where they begged him to persuade the youth of bawku to lay down their weapons while the government worked to create a long-term solution for peace in the region.

Naba Asigri Abugrago Azoka II, in his welcoming statement, lamented the present situation in bawku and pleaded with the authority to device new ways to resolve the impasse

he further pleaded with the authorities to extend the visit to him the Nayire of Mamprugu, Naa Bohagu Mahami Abdulai Sheriga, and invite him to join the campaign for peace in bawku.

In order to make it easier for people, particularly teachers and nurses, to commute to work, Naba Azoka II joined other stakeholders to call from other for the restrictions on the use of “yellow yellow” or “Mahama can do” vehicles to be lifted.

The interior minister later spoke with the various youth organizations and urged them to support peace.

The delegation then went to meet met with the Mamprusi leadership to discuss with the Mamprusi leadership to talk about the peace agreement.

there are reports of about more than 80 fatalities in Bawku since the rekindled chieftaincy dispute on November 20, 2021.

The delegation has since returned to Accra.

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