Abuja MoU to Partner RMU in Providing IMO Specialized Training Courses for Port State Control Officers

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The Abuja Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Port State Control for West and Central African Region has announced its intention to partner with the Regional Maritime University (RMU) to provide International Maritime Organization (IMO) specialized training courses for Port State Control officers in the Abuja MoU Region.

The collaboration is aimed at providing training on IMO Model course 3.09 and related IMO/ILO conventions, guidelines, circular publications and other related course to Port State control officers in the Abuja MoU region.

Capt. Sunday M. Umoren, the General secretary Memorandum of Understanding on Port State control for West and Central African Region made this known in a meeting with the Regional Maritime University last Monday, August 28 at the University’s vice Chancellors office.

“You might have the knowledge but how to impact this knowledge is key as it is not everybody’s specialty to train and impact knowledge” he explained.

According to him, the courses required by the Port State control officers in the region for capacity development are not currently offered by any Maritime Training Institutions in the Abuja MoU Region.

He was of the firm opinion that the partnership will promote the Maritime Institutions in the Abuja MoU Region by encouraging Port State Control Officers of member States to access the training courses provided by the Regional Maritime University as opposed to sourcing for such training in other Regions, which he explained are very expensive.


He was however enthusiastic that this opportunity will not only be beneficial to the region but also to the Port state control officers.

Dr. Jethro W. Brooks Jnr. the acting Vice Chancelor of the Regional Maritime University (RMU) took turn to express the willingness of the university to help provide training and also impressed on his management team present to kick start the necessary arrangements to ensure training begins this year.

According to him, the university is willing and committed to ensure high quality training program that promises to meet international standards.

“We will be working closely with the Abuja MoU to identify specific training needs of Port State Control Officers in the Region and develop training programe to suit their training needs” he opined.

The Abuja MoU, is one of the Nine (9) Regional MoU established pursuant to the International Maritime (IMO) Resolution A.682 (17) of 1991.

It is an intergovernmental  Organization (IGO), comprising the Maritime Administrations of twenty (22) countries from Mauritania to South Atlantic Ocean coast of African and operates under a co-operative Agreement with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) with the aim of complementing the work of flag States and coastal States in eradicating the operation of sub-standard  ship and ensuring safety, security, protection of the marine environment from pollution, and improvement of living and working conditions of the seafarers.

Meahile the managing Director of Mitsui Ocean Development an d Engineering Company (MODEC), Theophilus Ahwireng has called on benefactors of the RMU-MODEC all female welder training program, to serve their various institutions irrespective of the great opportunities open to them as a result of new exposures.

According to him this tendency always has negative effects on institutional growth and leads to loss of skilled workers and also capable of affecting the morale of other staffs of the institution.

Ahwireng made this remark during a short ceremony at the unity hall of the Regional Maritime University yesterday to offer certificates to the seven young female welders who successfully completed the first RMU- MODEC all female welder training program and the sponsorship of 2 instructors to the Welding and Fabrication Centre in Canada for the Canadian Welder Bureau level 2 certification.

“You are among a class of very few young women in the country with a world class skill in basic welding and I believe this will open many great opportunities for you and for new exciting careers” he told the beneficiaries.

The managing Director of MODEC also took time to congratulate Mr. Fareed Mohammed Amoah and Mark Amanie for taking the highly coveted CWB level 2 certification exam with excellent outcomes.

He urged them to make the skills acquired readily available to enhance, train and instruct many others to upgrade the level of specialist welding in Ghana, which he said was the objective of the fully funded programme by MODEC.

“The real work, begins now” he said adding that, it is expected that the skills acquired will be translated into actions and assured beneficiaries of MODEC’s consistent support in their career journey.

Dr. Jethro W. Brooks Jnr.  Ag. Vice Chancellor of the Regional Maritime University was of the view that RMU and MODEC collaboration has proven to be a catalyst for change and explained further “this has ignited a spark that has the potential to blaze a trail of progress and as well touch the lives of exceptional individuals and their families, fostering a future filled with promises”.

“Looking ahead, our vision remains steadfast to aggressively continue to engage the industry players for the training and improved training of our students and the provision of continues development programs for participants as a way of bridging the gap between industry and academia” Dr. Brooks opined.

The training program which was coordinated by the Regional Maritime University (RMU) and CPI training in partnership with Mitsui Ocean Development and Engineering Company (MODEC)seeks to empower and encourage more females to take up vocational courses relevant to the Maritime industry and its allied fields.

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